The Things That Belong to the Sea

It is unknown whether dugongs possess the ability to be curious. In fact, one might think that the slowly grazing marine mammals are unfazed by anything short of all the food vanishing or seas drying up. However, sometimes there are things in the sea that might intrigue even a steadily swimming creature such as dugong.


Perhaps it can remember these strange bits and pieces belonging to the two-legged creatures traversing the seas in metal shells. Perhaps it can remember that they do not journey peacefully, but harass its kin often enough to be dangerous.


Does it understand that the strange metal pieces littering the bottom of the ocean are a sign of their defeat? Does it realize that the metal shell has broken and the two-legged creatures either swallowed by the sea or fled from its rage back to the land?


Perhaps the most important question of all is: does it feel relief at the sight? Maybe even satisfaction? Or is it simply nosing for hidden food between the strange objects? Strange objects that now belong to the sea.

A new round of A Tattered Page has just started! This time the event focuses around 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne. The various remnants of Nautilus by [noctis], 22769 ~ [bauwerk] and BluPrintz and the hilarious dugong avatar by The Muses are all available in the ATP Library.

Scene: [noctis] Nautilus Porthole Brass* | 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – Remnants of the Nautilus: Nemos Sea Box, Nemos Deep Sea Helmet (decor), Nemos Lamp, Pair of Compasses, Sea Chart* | BluPrintz – Ned’s Harpoon, Spyglass, Prized Pearl (stand)* | Fantasy Flora – Sea Grass Light Green, Bubble Plant

Avatar: The Muses – Dugong*