Zombie Interlude

Rotten Little Bunny took over my Zombie Popcorn Post!

The above is another picture in the line of ‘Sonya takes pictures through a window and giggles’. No post-processing whatsoever. I sense a theme forming. I promise the other pictures aren’t like this, though!

Skin by Natural Beauty, hair by Iren, blindfold by Razorblade Jacket, hair skull by u.f.o., dress by Zenith Fashion, tights by Le Poppycock, pose by Olive Juice, furniture by Noctis, house by Zigana and — tadah — the bunny by Ragdoll’s cut~

Zombie Popcorn For All!

That’s right, the fifth Zombie Popcorn Hunt begins today! The hunt starts officially 1 PM and you have time until the end of October to find all the little popcorn-noming poppets. Without further ado, here’s the post in ZombiePopcornSL about one of my favorite looks among the hunt, I call her the Queen of Clowns~

Skin by Skintimate, dress and hat by Faster Pussycat, bracelet by SIGMA Jewels, pose by Diesel Works and hair by Lo*momo (the last two not a part of the hunt). I also realized I have two more posts I’ve lately made for that site that I never linked here, so here: another ZPH gift preview and an intro to one of the ZPH merchants’ latest wares~

Dark Beach

All the sun made me wanna do something darker, so I conjured up a beach-hunting pale girl, dressed up in a casual disguise of normalcy and then I posted her on the ZombiePopcornSL. Go see~

This also gave me the perfect excuse to buy this top by LeeZu and yoink the latest LaGyo peonies from the Dressing Room. Not to mention flaunt the latest gift from Coyo, La Morte Dolce necklaces by .( bewildebeest )., of course. Picture taken in Las Rosadas, which is honestly pretty-pretty sunny sim, I just darkened it with windlight. Quickie credits here as well: skin by League, eyes by Shiva, lashes by Redgrave, hair by Waka & Yuki, pose by Olive Juice.

Worlds End, Eventually~

Another ZombiePopcorn post ahoy~ This time it’s about the retiring sale at PixelDolls, among other things.

I ported to World’s End Garden to play an eccentric vampire. Dress by PixelDolls, monocle by SoliDea Folies, face tattoo by White~Widow, eyes by Repulse, lashes by Redgrave, hair by Waka & Yuki, skin by ^Re.Birth^ and pose by Idea Motus.

Check the actual post for more details~

Featuring Creatures

Psst, I made another post in ZombiePopcornSL~ All about the Creature Feature Hunt. Here’s an appropriately scary teaser picture:

The strange head cage is a part of the outfit by Pinkmares House, the tattoo was a part of the look by Hooligan Streetwear and the eyes are by [BAIT]. The hair ornament that would make me scream in RL is by Roobix. Ick spiders. Skin by League, hair by BeReal and pose by Olive Juice are not a part of the hunt.

Diving into ZombiePopcorn

I’ve just joined the ranks of ZombiePopcorn Bloggers and here’s my very first post! I haven’t yet decided if I’ll end up doing double posts, but my gut reaction is no. Aka when I post there, I’ll just make a sort of a link-and-mention type of a post here instead of copying it all over. The Gods of Blogging know that there’s enough doubles in the feeds as is. I won’t bother the zombie mob with my usual rambling things, I’ll instead channel my darker posts there. And/or posts that deal mostly with the brands associated with ZombiePopcorn, of course.

I love the little zombie puppet’s animation, especially the squee-dive into the popcorns. I wanted to have a close-up of that and use Sonya more as a background for this declaration of joining the ZP Mob, so I kept the rest very simple. Hair by Vita’s Boudoir twirling on its own in the non-existent wind, some basic gloves by Sn@tch, League skin, Repulse eyes from Depraved Summer Nights Hunt and an old ZPH prize dress by Loulou&Co. Speaking of, the wonderful face jewelry (attached to the ear) is by them, too. Check the post at ZombiePopcorn for more details~